Cyprus Theatre Organisation


European Theatre Convention

The Cyprus Theatre Organisation is once again a member of the European Theatre Convention, the largest network of theatres in Europe, reactivating a collaboration that reflects Thoc’s European character and international outlook. Thoc’s request to rejoin the Convention was accepted unanimously by its members at its conference held in Amsterdam from 29 November to 1 December 2019. (photo © Bart Grietens)

Participation in the European Theatre Convention gives Thoc the opportunity for deeper and broader involvement in the theatre landscape of Europe, just as it did during its previous period of membership (2005-2015), with its highly successful participation in the many programmes and initiatives of the Convention. At the same time, it strengthens Thoc’s international profile through the presentation of its work at a pan-European level.

As the largest network of theatres in Europe, the ETC includes at its core 54 members from 30 countries, reflecting the diversity of European theatre. Ever since it was founded in 1988, it has promoted European theatre as a vital platform for dialogue, democracy and interaction that responds to today's diverse audiences and changing societies.

European audience research

The Cyprus Theatre Organisation is participating in pan-European audience research being carried out for the first time in all the member theatres of the European Theatre Convention (ETC) in partnership with the Center for Audience Development (ZAD) of the Open University of Berlin (Germany). The research aims to record audience preferences, with the primary objective of improving the services provided and attracting new audiences.

The questionnaire, which focuses on various audience groups, includes questions on the degree of audience satisfaction and the quality of performances. The specially designed questionnaire for Thoc was available at the Thoc Theatre and was completed by audience members before or after the end of each performance until March 2014.

The preliminary results were announced to all member theatres of the Convention during the General Assembly in the autumn of 2014 and are expected to be an important tool for evaluation, better understanding and two-way dialogue with the theatre-going public.